This tool, known as Delete by Date, is intended to provide users with total control over their digital footprint. Users will be able to quickly locate and remove talks that occurred on a given date from their history. Telegram has introduced an additional degree of security by allowing access to device login data from a single device and by enabling choices such as automatically logging out when a session becomes dormant. In addition, Telegram will make the Protected Content functionality available to groups and channels. Those who choose to keep their material restricted to members-only can prohibit message forwarding from their conversation, which also prevents screenshots and restricts the ability to save media from postings from being shared with other members. To modify a user’s capacity to forward messages, first open the Group or Channel that they belong to. Restrict saving content from being saved on the Info page > Group / Channel Type. With the Delete Messages by Date tool, users may delete chat history from a certain day or date range in any one-on-one chat session they are participating in. The platform states that it has enabled this capability in order to provide users with free-hand access to and control over the data included in their chats. Here’s how to remove messages by a certain day in your calendar: To access the calendar, click on the date bar that appears as you browse through the conversation. Then you may pick which days you want to clear. Clearing history by date is presently only available in one-on-one conversations, however, messages sent in any chat may be programmed to automatically erase one day, one week, or one month after they are sent if they are not read. Furthermore, Telegram users will be able to post anonymously on a public forum such as Telegram Public Channels, which allow for an unlimited number of participants, and Telegram Groups, which may hold a maximum of 0.2 million members. When you send an anonymous message, it will look as if the message is being sent from a channel that you are a member of or that you are a representative of. Follow the methods outlined below to send messages anonymously as a group or through a channel: Select one of your channels from the drop-down menu next to the message bar by tapping on the profile image next to the message bar. Any messages you send after that will be shown with the name and photo of the channel instead of your personal account. When you post as your channel, the name of your channel will appear at the top of your message bubbles, as well as the message itself. As an alternative to receiving codes by text message, Telegram will allow some mobile devices with the option to get a login call from Telegram and then input several numbers of the phone number that phoned, rather than receiving codes via text message. Telegram has also made improvements to its functionality for devices running iOS 13 and above, such as Text Recognition (Live Text). Photo attachments will be supported in Telegram conversations, allowing users to rapidly pick, copy, and search without having to touch their keyboard. Telegram points out that picture recognition is conducted solely on your device in a safe manner. Text in media captions can be formatted in a variety of ways, including in bold or italics, and it also includes additional text formatting choices, such as text links. On iOS, the contact information for Telegram will be altered as well. It will include revised information pages that will have a new design that will be in keeping with iOS 15.