There is little doubt that the market is teetering on the edge of collapse, and even the world’s most powerful tech companies aren’t immune. Google CEO Sundar Pichai and Alphabet Inc. have sent a memo to all Google employees, detailing the firm’s future recruiting goals and encouraging workers to be more creative. Bloomberg obtained the memo. Following Q2, the business plans to concentrate on recruiting vital positions rather than filling 10,000, according to a memo obtained by media outlets.

Pichai, Writes

Job cuts and recruitment curbs have been commonplace in the IT industry recently. According to reports, Maher Saba, Vice Chairman of Remote Presence and Engineering is apparently telling supervisors to point the emergency exit to staff who aren’t doing well, stating things like, “They are not what we really need.” Since a number of TUDUM workers were laid off in March, the streaming giant has also been progressively cutting off staff. To save costs, electric scooter ride-sharing company Bird has announced that 23% of its employees would be let off.

It appears that in a sector with so much working capital, firms choose to cut their personnel rather than reinvest in their growth and maintenance, which is understandable given the shifting nature of the workforce in technology. However, other corporations, like Microsoft, are attempting to chart a new route in the midst of all the chatter about cutbacks.

Microsoft Announces Job Cuts  Google To Slow Hiring 2022 - 25