This game has been around since the release of Dragon Age II, and it’s still worth going back to. The combat is fun, and it can actually be quite difficult at times. Dragon Age is Facebook game that actually requires some skill and strategy.

This game might just change your perception of what should and should not be in a browser game. There is no passive nonsense in this game; it’s an action RPG to its very core. In fact, you might even call it Diablo in a sci-fi setting. And to top it off, it’s free on Facebook. If that’s not a recipe for a good thing, I just don’t know what is. Seriously, if you like RPGs at all, you should give this one a go. When your friends make fun of you for playing a Facebook game, just have them take a look at it for themselves, and I can guarantee you, their perception of just what makes a Facebook game might change forever. The game even comes with a barebones story attached, so it gives you more reason to keep coming back besides just earning new stuff.Its a game you can play free right in your browser on Facebook, it’s really hard to complain. For anyone who loves Marvel and its crazy cast of superheroes, this is a game you should give a whirl. This is a game that is all about having a good time with the silliness. While at its core, it’s an endless runner, the weirdness factor makes it feel like something more. The new evolving mechanics introduced in the sequel go a long way towards making this feel like a more complete game. What’s even better, it’s a game you won’t feel embarrassed to let your Facebook friends know you’ve been playing. While most tower defense games see you controlling some offscreen omnipotent being, in this game your character is right in the action. This changes up the way the game is played substantially, and it makes things more challenging and fun. You have to walk a delicate line between collecting coins from enemies, dancing to upgrade your towers, and placing new ones. Essentially, this is a defense game that takes some skill, which is hardly something I would expect from a game on Facebook.Wrap Off If you think all Facebook games are bad, think again. While playing the above games, you might just forget that you are playing them on a social network at all. If more developers made games like these, Facebook games might not be at the receiving end of so many jokes and so much criticism from the gaming community at large

5 Best Games to Play on Facebook - 355 Best Games to Play on Facebook - 55